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Welcome to Ogemaw District Library System

Branches in
Rose City   Prescott   Skidway Lake


About Our Library

We serve a rural and poor population. Rural means that we serve a population that is a distance from a big city. Rural means that access to services is sometimes complicated or it requires travel. The Ogemaw District Library serves 9 townships, the City of Rose City, and the Village of Prescott. Poverty and distance play a big part in the difficulty to access services in our county.Our goal is to try and bring community services to a branch of our system that may be closer in distance to everyone.



Our digital Catalogue is now available for you to look up books in our system.  In the fall the whole system will become digitalized to make your library experience easier.  Please stay tuned for our big announcement.  In the mean time you can search for a book and find out if one of our branches have the book you are looking for. 


Crystal Salt
Skidway Lake Branch Library.jpg

New Additions

Monthly we add new titles to our collections, as we get the new titles they will be listed below.

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